SC Pride Statement About the Conditions in Palestine

The mission of Santa Cruz Pride is to provide a platform for visibility and celebration of the LGBTQ+ community. However, we find that we cannot celebrate until we acknowledge the severe increase of violence, loss of human life, and inhumane living conditions in Palestine. We solemnly recognize that the International Court of Justice found that Palestine has plausible rights to protection from genocide. We must evaluate our own complicity in these affairs. 

Therefore, we join other queer and pride organizations in speaking out. We join the calls to implement an immediate and permanent ceasefire, and de-escalation of violence across occupied Palestine and Israel. To be clear, we condemn all instances of human rights violations. We urge those in power to embrace a respect for life, differences, and reach for a solution where all people can live in peace, with security of their human rights.

We, as an organization and board, stand committed to learning and listening with open hearts as to how we can best support our community -  from the encampment at UCSC to other local organizing groups calling for a ceasefire and those organizations who seek an end to all violent acts be it in Palestine, the Congo, Yemen, Turtle Island or here within our own Santa Cruz community. We respect people’s right to protest and to engage in civil discourse toward a solution that respects the rights of all people to live with the ideals on which this nation was founded, including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

As we move into Pride month, we look forward to celebrating and uplifting our core values of community, intersectionality and liberation for all. It is also important that we celebrate our Pride flag as a symbol of community and inclusivity. And as such, we will not allow it to be hijacked to defend any atrocities. There is no space within Pride for antisemitism, Islamophobia, anti-Arab sentiment, or hate of any kind that will divide us. Santa Cruz Pride stands in solidarity, united in our stance against injustice and violence everywhere.


SC Pride Invites Community Conversation About LGBTQ+ People and Law Enforcement


Introducing Our 2024 Grand Marshal: