Pride Parade

Annual Parade

The annual parade takes place each year in downtown Santa Cruz Along Pacific Ave.
* See registration Info Below *

2025 Pride Parade Route

Sunday, June 1, 2025 | 11am Starting at Cathcart St. and Pacific Ave.

Participate in the Parade.

  1. Apply

Please read the Parade Monitor Info and FAQ below. This year we have added a few new agreements to our registration process. Please allow 10–20 minutes to fill out and review the applications and group agreements. Our intention is to help create a safer and more inclusive community beyond the parade and festival and we need YOU to help us! Please feel free to reach out with questions we look forward to hearing from you. REGISTRATION OPEN NOW !

Once we have reviewed your application we will be reaching out via email within 2–3 weeks or less.

2. Donate

We rely on donations to pay city permits, security, barriers, cones, no parking signs, portable toilets, and trash bins.

  • $75 | 1-10 Contingent Participants

  • $100 | 11-25 Contingent Participants

  • $250 | 26 or more Contingent Participants

  • +$50 | Add Car / Float (ADA waivers available)

Parade Participation donations per contingent:


Please make sure to include the name of your contingent with your parade donation.

Parade Monitor Info

All contingents are asked to provide monitors. Without monitors we would not be able to have a parade. The City of Santa Cruz is very supportive of our presence, and we want to reciprocate it by meeting all permit terms - including  providing safety monitors at intersections and along the Parade route.

Monitor Training is REQUIRED and will be provided during our orientation sessions! More information:

  • Walking Unit of fewer than 10 people (1 monitor recommended)

    Walking Unit of 11–25 (minimum 2 monitors needed)

    Walking Unit of 26 or more (minimum 4 monitors needed)

    Performing Unit (minimum 3 monitors needed)

    Vehicle Unit (minimum of 5 monitors including driver)

    Motorcycle Unit (monitors encouraged)

  • Orientation sessions will be on the following days on Zoom. The link will be sent to you once your registration is approved. Only one person per group is required to attend one of the sessions but others are welcome. All monitors and drivers must attend one of the training sessions.

    • Tuesday, May 21st 4:00-5:00pm

    • Thursday, May 23rd 6:00-7:00 pm

    • Wednesday, May 29th 6:00-7:00 pm

    Training sessions last about 60 minutes and will cover everything parade monitors and contingents need to know.

  • • Ensure your safety, the safety of contingents, the safety of spectators.

    • Items may NOT be handed out, scattered, or thrown to people during the parade; candy, pamphlets, stickers, etc.

    • Contingents and spectators may NOT have open containers or consume alcohol at the parade.

    • Protect plants, fences or other property from damage.

    • Vehicle monitors should walk a minimum of one arm’s length from all Parade vehicles at the wheel well of the vehicle.

    • Drivers will stop if people or objects come within 5 feet on either side or 10 feet of the front or rear of their vehicle.

    • Please keep spectators on the concrete curb or sidewalk (off of asphalt road.)

    • Do not engage with difficult spectators! Call/radio for help from a Police Officer of Parade Committee member.

    • You are OBSERVERS and REPORTERS; Please do not place yourself at risk or danger.

  • If your group has a vehicle you should have at least 5 monitors that includes the driver. Your group will also need to have additional Parade Monitors if you have people walking in your group.

    Please review the Vehicle Monitor Safety Guide Below:

    Consider the mix of traffic at a parade: walkers, bicycles, dancers, jugglers, skaters, marching bands, jay walkers. They're all excited and distracted by the pageantry. Which is why you must be extra vigilant!

    Here are a few rules to keep everyone safe.

    1. Strict 5mph speed limit.

    2. NO passing of other vehicles or marchers.

    3. Maintain a minimum of 10 feet clearance in front and back of your vehicle at all times, even within your own contingents.  If any vehicle, person or object is within the 10-foot clearance area ahead of or behind your vehicle, BRING YOUR VEHICLE TO A COMPLETE STOP IMMEDIATELY.  Wait for it/them to move out of your clearance area before you start moving again.

    4. Maintain a minimum 5 feet clearance area to the sides of your vehicle at all times, even within your own contingent.  MOST PARADE ACCIDENTS OCCUR AT THE SIDE OF A VEHICLE.  If any vehicle, person or object is within the 5-foot clearance area to either side of your vehicle, BRING YOUR VEHICLE TO A STOP IMMEDIATELY.  Wait for it/them to move out of your clearance area before you start to move again.

    5. All vehicles tires must remain in contact with the road at all times (no wheelies).  Motorcycles can ride maximum two side by side.  Motor cyclists must wear helmets.

    6. Marchers, dancers, observers and other pedestrians marching with vehicles must maintain the clearance distances at all times; 10 feet front and rear and 5 feet sides.  Be aware of pedestrians ON ALL SIDES of your vehicle at all times.  If any vehicle, person or object is within the clearance area in front, back, or side of your vehicle, BRING YOUR VEHICLE TO A COMPLETE STOP IMMEDIATELY.  Drivers need to pay particular attention to people, such as dancers, who are likely to fall in the path of their vehicle.

    7. Communicate and cooperate with the trained Vehicle Monitors assigned to your vehicle.  If they direct you to bring your vehicle to a stop, do so immediately.  They may be aware of a situation or safety problem you cannot see.  When they direct you to move your vehicle forward again, then proceed.

    8. Follow the parade route to the end.  You will turn left onto Church Street.  If needed you can turn into a parking spot long enough to unload passengers.  Then, continue forward to Cedar Street.  When you turn left or right onto Cedar Street you will be off the parade route and back in regular traffic.  

Parade Logistics.

Cheer on our Grand Marshals, watch cheerleaders, listen to bands and view a wide variety of contingents making up the largest LGBTQ+ Pride parade on the Central Coast. The Santa Cruz Pride parade and festival celebrates the LGBTQ+ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer/Questioning Plus) community in Santa Cruz County. The parade and festival is a safe and inclusive space for the queer community and their allies. You are welcome to be who you are and join the organizations, allies, supportive groups, churches, candidates, ensembles, performers, parents, children to show your pride, activism, enthusiasm and love.

Join us!

The parade starts at 11am at the intersection of Cathcart St. and Pacific Ave. We will then travel down Pacific Ave., into downtown to Church Street. Following the parade, join us at the Festival takes over downtown on Cooper Street, Pacific Ave., Front St., Abbott Square and in the MAH (free admission, art project for youth and the young at heart). Visit our festival page for a full line up of booths and entertainment. All FREE until 4pm!!

Where to Watch the Parade

Parking and Restroom locations

Become a Rainbow, Gold, Silver, or Bronze Sponsor

Santa Cruz Pride, the largest LGBTQ+ event on the Central Coast and California's third oldest annual Pride Parade and Festival, attracts over 7,000 participants. Sponsoring Santa Cruz Pride connects your business with a diverse LGBTQ+ and LGBTQ+-friendly audience in Santa Cruz County.

Ride the Wave With Us!